Amigos de SF Spanish Immersion
Amigos de SF Spanish Immersion Preschool offers a nurturing, fun, and developmentally appropriate Spanish immersion environment for children ages 2-5. We are a year-round, full-day, art-based preschool with full—and part-time schedules.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela

Learning Centers
The classroom has many learning centers, each one with a specific subject in mind. Current centers include:
Children experiment with writing by using a variety of writing materials such as notebooks, pens, markers, stamps, envelopes, and stickers.
Children enjoy building creative structures with wooden and plastic blocks of various sizes, shapes, and colors. While building, children are exposed to concepts such as patterns, symmetry, balance, and building strategies.
The library is a comfortable area where children find a restful haven for exploring books. The teacher may read to a group of interested children, and children may also read their own book, share a book with a friend, or listen to a book on CD.
Children experience fun tactile learning while playing in one of three sensory tables. Cups, shovels,
containers, and toys are used in sand, water, dirt, pebbles, or ice, while play dough, finger paint or shaving
cream is molded, spread, or squished. These tables encourage conversations, collaboration, questioning how the
world works, and problem-solving.
Children create wonderful masterpieces by using material such as paints, markers, clay, pipe cleaners,
glue, glitter, and scissors. During this process children are expressing themselves, solving problems,
and learning an appreciation for art. The emphasis is on the artistic process, rather than the final product.
Children use material such as interlocking plastic blocks, puzzles, beads, and lacing cards to discover early math concepts like size relationships and patterns and develop visual and spatial awareness.
Today, your child may be a firefighter, tomorrow a cook. With an assortment of hats, costumes, kitchenware, and props such as phones, dolls, puppets, and food, your child can find out what it is like to be in someone else’s shoes.
Children use tools like magnets, magnifying glasses, eye droppers to explore objects such as plants, animals, shells, and leaves. Here students are encouraged to observe, question and predict.
We have a mixed-age classroom. Mixed age classrooms generate a family of learners who support and care for one another. Older children have the opportunity to serve as mentors and take leadership roles. Younger children are able to have peer role models.
Mixed aged group during lessons- What does this look like?
Although the classroom is a mixed age group, at times students are grouped by age. An example of this is a teacher does a lesson on shapes. The children then go back to their tables based on their ages. One teacher with younger children would present the younger age group many different shape manipulative flat blocks. The teacher and the students would help one another find all the circles, squares, rectangles, ect. and put them in groups according to shape and then if there is time color too.
The older age group would work at different table with the guidance of another teacher. This teacher would show the children how to pattern with the block shapes. The children would then try patterning on their own with the manipulatives.